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How will a decedent's estate will be inherited in China?

Time:2021-01-19 09:32:16Source:Click:
Under Chinese Civil Code,  the estate of a decedent shall be succeeded in the following order:
(1) first in order: spouse, children, and parents;
(2) second in order: siblings, paternal grandparents, and maternal grandparents.
When succession opens, the successor(s) first in order shall inherit to the exclusion of the successor(s) second in order.
The successor(s) second in order shall inherit the estate in default of any successor first in order.

Where a decedent is predeceased by a child of his, the lineal descendants of the predeceased child shall inherit in subrogation.
Where a decedent is predeceased by a sibling of his, the children of the predeceased sibling shall inherit in subrogation.
Successors who inherit in subrogation generally may only take the share of the estate per stirpes.